Macroreer SFP28 25G Transceivers module includes SFP28-SR, SFP28-LR, SFP28-ER, SFP28-BIDI and SFP28-CWDM.

Macroreer SFP28 25G transceiver module solutions offer a wide variety of high-density and low-power 25 Gigabit Ethernet connectivity options for data center and high-performance computing networks applications.

The SFP28 25G optics are integral to reliable 5G wireless networks

The 25G SFP28 optics are the building block of the modern enterprise and data center network. These Macroreer transceivers take the best of SFP and SFP+ (low power consumption, common footprint, & density) while meeting the skyrocketing data needs of your consumers. Unlike most deployments, Macroreer 25G links leverage your existing in-ground 10G cabling, providing significant savings on upgrade costs.

MACROREE SFP28 25G Transceivers Module

SFP28 25G Transceivers Module

Part NumberModel No.Data Rate(Gbps)WavelengthMedia TypeReachTX Power(dBm)RX Sens.(dBm)Temp.(℃)Note
MA-SFP28-BidiSFP28-Bidi251270/1310nmLC10kmTBDTBD40 ~ 85BiDi
MA-SFP28-CWDM-08-yySFP28-CWDM-08-yy24.3~28.11270 ~ 1331nmSMF8 dB-1 ~ +3<-180 ~ 70CWDM
MA-SFP28-CWDM-08-yySFP28-CWDM-08-yy24.3~28.11270 ~ 1331nmSMF8 dB-1 ~ +3<-18-40 ~ 85CWDM